Gentle Reminders for the Neurodivergent Community
Coming back to center after meltdowns, burnout, or shutdown.
When the world is too much, it’s okay to rest.
Where the road forks, it’s okay to decide later.
When the stress is no longer able to be suppressed or ignored, it’s okay to let it out. Do what you need to do to process your emotion and overwhelm in your own time. Don’t bottle it up. Let it out.
It’s completely valid to be with your feelings and acknowledge that you’ve spent all of your energy masking for a societal structure that was not built for you.
It’s completely normal to be overwhelmed by expectations that never end. You manage life well with the resources you have been given. You are allowed to experience life at your own pace, in your own unique way, at your own pay grade, and on your own path.
Every decision you need to make, envision as a next step to whatever goal. There’s no perfect decision, just the one that works best for you right now. If that means you need to stop dead in your tracks and take a moment to reflect on your priorities and your focus. Hey that’s okay! Take a moment to see where you went off track and make a goal to bring yourself back.
Feeling scattered with the world of possibilities and shaming yourself for having no goals. STOP. You have a lot of ideas. Maybe it’s hard to commit to just one. What makes the most sense right now? As an AuDHD entrepreneur, I often get caught up in making all of my ideas a way to generate income. I forget that I’m allowed to have hobbies and interests without making them go to work for me. And you too, are allowed to have leisurely activities.
The important points I’m trying to make here are that there is a world of possibilities, and instead of entering the downward shame spiral, affirm what you know.
You possess ambition, inspiration, aptitude, a positive outlook, and a burning curiosity.
What else do you know about your talented brain? It has lead you to some pretty awesome experiences, don’t let it’s strength also bring you downward. That’s where your heart, your body, your action center comes in to keep your fast brain in check. Go make art. Go on a walk. Go get a smoothie with a friend. Go to sleep and get some rest. Take your eyes of the doom scroll for a second and remember… You are unique, accepted, and allowed to achieve the life you have always wanted, despite perceived failures. You can do this. I believe in you. YOU CAN.
I wrote this article a day after waking up with an overwhelm of feeling, sensory overload, and an eventual meltdown. It was important for me to feel what I felt, go through the processing of those scattered feelings, reach out for support.
And in that moment or shortly after it was also helpful to document the ways that I need support, so in the future I can better learn how to ask for help when I’m experiencing similar levels of overwhelm.
Here are some simple things that might help you through emotional dysregulated feelings.
Do you need a friend or to call your therapist to verbally dump your scattered “can’ts” to? Find a safe person that can help you get through and validate your feeling. Do you need to request a mental health day off so you can rest and feel safe to cry when you need to cry? Do you need a weighted blanket? Do you need to get lunch delivered? Do you need to journal? Do you need a water? A shower? What basic needs can you accommodate yourself with to make hard emotions at least 10% better?
I believe in you, you’re worthy, you’re chosen, and you’re absolutely supported. Keep on going!
I’m McKenzie Jean, a neuro-diverse writer, photographer, creative director, educator, and performing artist. I write about creativity and personal development. If you enjoyed this article. I hope you’ll check out some of my others.